Thursday, June 28, 2007

PERSPECTIVES ON MIND(Medical science,philosophy,psychology)
(Two chapters contributed by Dr Suvarna Nalapat)
1.Introductory chapter. (21-30)
2.creation of mind chapter 10 pages ( 219-234)


Mind is the greatest enigma of all times.While studying this subject one is entitled to fall into the old rivalry and dilemma of universal truth that exists only in the human mind ,and nominalism which deny the very existence of universalism at all .Which is truth?The scientific ,discovered by a process of knowing?The poetic created by a process of making?Are they different or two sides of the same coin?Where does the correspondence theories of scientific truth and the coherence theories of poetic truth merge?Science delimits ,documents and define everything .Coherence theory is intuitive perception of truth where documented evidence is replaced by selfevidence or experience.Can we ever distinguish or prove the truth in the following possibilities?
1.The universe is finite and thus admits a finite complete description as classical science do.
2.The universe is infinite and cannot be completely described by some finite sets of facts as in the theory of relativistic astrophysics.
3.The universe is infinite and cannot be completely deducted by any finite sets of facts as the unified theories of modern science and spiritualistic advaitha philosophy holds .The answer is not always a scientifically proved fact but an intuitionaly perceived reality.Truth discovered by scientific enquiry and intuitional perception merge imperceptibly ,as in the case of Kekule,Poincare,and Einstein.So what is mind?Scientifically proven and welldocumented delimited matter(phenomenon)or intuitionally conceived ,experimented unlimited and not wellunderstood?
This book discusses the different aspects of the mind in the following articles written by brilliant scientists in their own fields.It is desired thus ,that it evokes wide readership and thoughtprovoking discussion and healthy criticism ,so that the infinite possibilities of the human mind are explored to the fullest extant.

Psychiatrist and the new sciences of the mind
Dr Philip John starts with a quote from Francis Crick ,clearly stating his stand that mind is no more than the behaviour of a vast assembly of nerve cells in the brain.His intention is to lead his speciality back to neurosciences,though it had originated in theology and philosophy.He wants to wean it from the mother and entrust it to the fostermother.Mind being matter ,his community (doctors)is trying to treat patients on a physical model for psychiatric illness,and therefore is ill at ease with the nonmedical voluntary agencies who are concerned with mental health of clients (instead of mental illnesss of patients.).Yet,he himself uses the term mental health (from entering the field of mental health-page 3 of the typewritten manuscript).In his eyes psychiatrists can never be equivalent to psychologists ,however much the modern democratic world and the theologians and philosophers talk about equality ,because medical knowledge (and ofcourse its degrees and postgraduate degrees)is a powerful weapon in the hands of the modern India ,with which he treats the ignorant “laymen”.Since mind for the medical man is only a nerve cell which twitches and turns with an electrical stimulus ,we cannot expect anything more from a deterministic standpoint like that.But there is something very commendable in this article and that is the criticism of the columnists who regularly write on extramarital relations and make psychiatry appear as something that deals with either love affairs or extramarital sex or at the other extreme end dealing with ranting raving lunatics,.

According to the author,the mind is the creation of the brain and the total personal experience of the various functions of the brain and psychiatry being a neural science ,studies mutually interacting systems like mind/brain,nature/nurture.Is brain the creation of the mind or viceversa is a philosophical question taken up by science.Something like a hen and egg problem.Or a wave and particle problem.If experiences influence biology and biology inflences experience ,and psychiatist as a doctor is studying the Biology,Biochemistry and Pathology of the brain which influence the experience of the organism which in turn influence the biology .That means they are a mutually interactive pair or system and there need not be any illwill or rivalry between them.
The best part of this is the exhaustive genetic,molecular level cell changes and the structural /functioning imaging techniques used in modern medicine by which “one can watch a thought”or reconstruct a memory in another person’s brain.That again is the crux of the point.A doctor can peep into another person’s personal feelings –his pain,pleasure,grief,every feeling-but cannot go deep into his own self with all his sophisticated equipment .No self –vision is possible and all the machines act as mere extension of our physical eye with which we observe what is outside of ourselves.

We have a sigh of relief when at last theology surfaces in this essay.After all it was the mother of psychiatry and a mother cannot be neglected by dutiful children.The author says,’”the creator has put in three communication systems in the human body” essential for life(neural,immune and autocrine)and that he is excited at the prospect of ancient philosophical questions receiving biological answers.
As everyone of us are looking or peeping through the only window available to us –our mind and the science it had learned –there is no wonder in a medical person being preoccupied with the biological window constructing a mind on the basis of the image of the body.But ignoring the other possible windows and reconstructing the body on the image of the mind and the soul is a sign of lack of flexibility and of deterministic classical standpoint which is being rejected in the modern relativistic world of science.Words one utter,or write reflect one’s mind and knowingly or unknowingly we write our own mind out for others to read its feelings.A thoughtful imaginative and philosophical person is a psychologist who can visualize the feelings of others and of himself ,even without costly spphisticated equipments.


The myth of the consciousness-brain relationship is beautifully brought out by V.P.Joy by his opening question ,does the shape of the nail give shape to the coat?The materialistic reductionism ,Holism and the domain of their intersection ,the concept of the thermodynamic arrow of time ,leading to disorder and creative arrow arrow of time creating order and having the power of selforganisation through a network system ,the associative and reinforcement learning methods and cybernetics are mentioned in a concise yet comprehensive manner.This article conceives brain as special and mind as time entity ,the difference being only in direction ,exactly like the ancient seers like Yagnavalkya and Gargi and modern scientists like Einstein and Hawking.This makes the article interesting. One can conceive imaginery spaces separate from our own.But to conceive imaginery time (or real time)or mind different from our own is not that easy.We can only watch our mind and conceive it.To say that we have conceived it entirely we will have to transcend time and that is next to impossible for an ordinary mind,the faculties of which remain limited to one system of knowledge.The neural network cannot achieve the mysterious unification of the observer and the observed…a mirror reflecting a mirror reflecting a mirror…..Remember that was what Sankara said when he spoke of the entire universe reflected in the mirror of your mind ad infinitum.And this is what Joshua Royce meant when he said Mental image of one’s own mind must be infinite.I am reminded of the Schroder-Bernstein law where ,S is equal to T .It is therefore impossible to describe any one thing exhaustively without mentioning everything as well.

While describing a torroidal spacetime continuum in the mind of the seer ,the mind of the seer is not the usual 4-dimensional mind.It passes beyond the dimensions as described by the ancient astronomers Gargya,Vasishta etc and about this a modern professor of Mathematics (Rudy Rucker –Ralford women’s college,Virginia –“Infinity and the mind”page 23)remarks:”A number of duoverses drift in a 5-D universe….continue indefinitely … is reminded of those eastern descriptions of the world as a disc resting on the back of elephants ,who stands on a turtle,who stands on a turtle,stands on a turtle,who stands on a turtle,stands on a turtle>>>>”ad infinitum.
Remember,if you reverse a turtle you get a torus and that on the shell of a turtle divided into 9 (loshu of the Chinese)there is the secret code of the Indian universe.The infinite mindscape can only guess the true infinitythrough rational thought and mysticism (rational mysticism),as Sankara and other great seers did,but can never grasp it in entirety.

Dr Babu Joseph starts with the mind –body dichotomy of Descartes and proceeds to a comparison of the ancient Indian view.He differentiates between consciousness and awareness and includes formation of thoughts and arousal of emotions even in the absence of external stimuli to the realm of consciousness and proceeds to expound Baar’s philosophical theory of consciousness,Kock’s and Eneck’s mapping cortical oscillation /experience,Libet’s and Farah’s views on threshold and high/low quality representations of consciousness.
The article analyses consciousness at physical level,both microscopic and macroscopic.At the submicroscopic levels wave functions ,schrodinger equations ,quantum jumps ,Penrosean views expressed in Emperor’s new mind and shadows of mind and some of its critics are mentioned.At the macroscopic level ,brain as a nonlinear dynamic system as evidenced by ECG signals ,the mathematical analysis of signals ,nonequilibrium statistical mechanics and EPR paradoxes are presented.The role of neurotransmitters also is mentioned.The author explains Mc Culloch’s sequential logical operations and Hebb’s neural network learnings.Essentially the survey attempts to provide a physical basis of mind as a manifestation of matter and is not a holistic approach.Though his window is different from that of Dr Philip John ,it almost resembles it ,being purely physical.
The theory behind the article is that QM and classical stochastic ideas are compromises aimed at understanding the origin of abstract ideas from the ensemble of particular processes.The rationale behind this composite approach is that microlevel phenomena are QM,consciousness (physical level of mind)manifested as classical level.

There are two articles based entirely on the Indian systems of knowledge.One is on the concept of the mind in the Indian systems of philosophy and the other in Ayurveda.From the philosophical point of view C.V.Vasudeva bhattathiri explains the nature of mind in the six philosophical systems of India ,compares the different views.From the purely material ,to the purely spiritual there are several gradations and mixtures possible for the mind in various Indian systems and the debates by these different systems on the nature of things on a purely rational and scientific basis makes India a land of scientific enquiry and flexible democratic ideologies.The language of the Indian sciences is not English.It is either Sanskrit or prakrit .In a book meant for readers of the English language ,a person writing on the Indian sciences has to waste considerable spacetime for explanation of terms which makes such articles more of an explanatory note rather than a scientific paper.This has happened to both the articles mentioned and yet they stand out as a different approach to the problem of the mind. I myself have many a time experienced the impossibility of presenting a paper on Indian sciences to an audience who are not familiar with the Sanskrit words and their correct meanings and connotations.To an Englishspeaking reader/listener one has to first explain terms and only then attempt to compare the modern terms and this usually means that one has to write a treatise on the subject.This dilemma has landed me up in writing volumes on the Upanishads ,Brahmasoothra,yoga,thanthra,jyothisha and other systems of knowledge.Hence I feel that these two modest articles on the Indian systems have tried their best as a preliminary introduction to the subject.
Starting with the seat of memory and emotional changes and the loss of continence by brain damage.Dr Roy J.Mathew proceeds to drive ,motivation,and goal directed behaviour,associated with prefrontal lobe and pass on to the special mystical spiritual aspect ,the LANGUAGE.The eternal truth,the Vak of the Nyaya ,viseshika,the Sphota of Bharthruhari.According tohim,Mandanamishra accepts the sphota and Sankara does not.Asked by the opponents whether you reject the sphota or not,Sankara had actually said that I do not reject it,but I am experiencing it all the time,within.In his Bhashya to Brahmasoothra,on which at present I am writing a commentary.The receptive,expressive, elements and their complementarity ,communication through signs ,Broca’s Wernicke’s areas associated with speech and processing of language by brain using three interacting sets of mechanisms are explained in the rational,scientific manner.I feel that this is one of the key articles in the book ,since it tries to comprehend both the dominent and nondominent ,both modern and ancient knowledge systems in a scientific manner ,rationally and holistically.

One of the most important essays is that of V.George Mathew ,on integrative psychology.This branch of science as the name implies,indicate an integration of modern psychology with parapsychology and psychology of consciousness.This humanistically oriented system of integrating the most modern and the ancient systems is not a new development in the history of human thought.This has existed in every age and every country,where the present and the past thought processes were examined and analysed and assimilated by a thoughtful mind.This was what was done by Vyasa and sankara in India when they compiled the Vedas and the commentaries on the Prasthaanathraya.In recent times the Theosophical society of India under the able guidance of Madame Blavatsky had given a new impetus to this integration.Most of the western thinkers and scientists were influenced by the theosophical society and the rational and scientific way in which it integrated the psychology and parapsychology .My own great granduncle Nalapat Narayanamenon ,was a member of the theosophical society and from his philosophical and scientific integrative approach to the science and arts ,I have gained a lot.Studying the mind in different planes and conceiving it as a band of vibrations ,theosophists brought it from the realm of quantum electrodynamics to that of quantum chromodynamics.From light to colours and sound.From a quantum of light particle to the sound waves with different colours or varna.This was the ancient Thanthra practice of giving different wavelengths and colours to each letter of the alphabet.Sir John woodroffe had beautifully described this in his Garland of letters.Sankara had talked about this in his commentaries to Upanishads and Abhinavaguptha had explained it in terms of dwani and rasa.George Mathew gives us this property of the mind when he conceives the mind as a band of vibrations.His views on Aparokshagnaana and the poornachakra are really commendable,both being vedanthic and thanthric respectively.The mandala of the poornachakra are known to Budhists and to Sreechakra upaasakaas for time immemorial.
The last chapter “creation of mind”is contributed by Dr Suvarna Nalapat and Dr V.M.N Namboothiri writes about the chapter as follows:

Dr Suvarna Nalapat examines the subject from two universal experiences-death and timespace and explains the three dimensional view of Einstein’s mind along with special features in his brain which is examined by a group of scientists.She further proceeds to study the question of ‘WHERE ,WHEN AND HOW IS MIND BORN”- the organic body,the inorganic universe,and beyond it as given in Swethaswethara Upanishad and astrophysics.She also discusses the experience of God and Atma vis-à-vis the unseen and unknown aspects of belief where she brings out the example of Einstein’s belief in intuition,faith and conviction in science subjects .Furthermore she discusses the importance of Ayurveda in controlling the mind through niyama and yama.A study of subcellular level of communication or vak and the existence of network of energy in universe is also included in her article.


Life is made up of two universal experiences-one death and the other timespace.Those who are interested only in sex can start with sex as a universal experience.Whichever one takes,one must remember that the universality is always relative.The physical experience of sex or death may seem the same but mentally it is not the same for all.The sacred bond between a Brahmin boy and girl as in the Tamil tradition ,or that of the Abraham-David dynastic traditions of the bloodline of the grail may be similar both mentally and physically but not for those who see it only as a pleasure principle.Even the experience of death is different in people following different traditions and value systems .For a medical person ,theoretically it is cardiac arrest or cessation of cellular functions.For a phycisist /advaithin dissociation of energy (atma)from mater(anathma).The mental understanding of death in different people differ.The bardo state of the Budhist tradition is comprehendable by one familiar with the Gita and the Katha Upanishad,but not by a medical doctor.
This is so with spacetime.Many of the members of the human race ,even those with superior mental qualities and intelligence ,are not able to comprehend the spacetime of Einstein’s brain.Iam aware of the fact that three-dimensional view of Einstein’s mind is attributed to some special features in his brain by a group of scientists.But for this only a limited number of brains were examined for comparison and we cannot rule out the following possibilities:
1.A similar brain structure may be identified in an old astronomer/astrologer of the present day India who is not famous as Einstein but still have a threedimensional understanding of the universe.This is also possible in other parts of the world ,in faraway Polynesian tribes ,chaldean Polynesian races.If a collective consciousness can exist,the possibility of it manifesting as an Einstein brain also exists.The energy manifesting itself as matter can take up its form at will .If it wants to experience time-space continuum it will assume the form the shape most suitable for its experience .Just like the body of a man with musical intelligence(naadayoga)is different from ours,the brain of a mathematical/special genius has to be different.But the difference in bodystructure need not be the cause for the difference in genius and viceversa.
2.Suppose we find the same change in a group of persons with low IQ and mental faculties after examining more number of brains ,would we then brand Einstein as mentally retarded or the mentally deficient one as a genius like Einstein even though there are no signs of a genius in the poor man’s life or actions.We must remember that science is not deterministic anymore.


Swethaswethara Upanishad(sl 6.sec 2)says that when the ocean of energy is churned ,when the praana is controlled ,and when the sweet bliss of Ananda is experienced(as soma)the mind or manas is born.That means the mind is born within the organic body as well as outside of it within the inorganic universe and beyond it.In an organic body,mind is born when one churns the intellect with rational thought and analysis(chith),controls praana (senses /indriya)with concentrated yoga(the state of sath or truth)and when one experience ecstacy of ananda in creativity(poetry,music other aesthetic arts).In the inorganic universe and beyond it is born as an eternal energy concentrated into a universal manifested powerpoint or the Bindu in an ocean of unmanifested energy field(wave particle or tharanga,kana)and from this the entire sarga(creation)and ananda(bliss)including that of the organic body emanate.This means that the organic mind is in direct continuity with the inorganic universe and beyond or in religious vocabulary,man is in direct continuity with God.(jeeva with paramathma).The vyasthy is only a particle in the vast ocean of samashty mind.The individual mind is only a wave particle in the oceanfield of universal mind,tossing in it ,floating on it,experiencing the different moods of it,yet mostly unaware of its unity with it.This unawareness is because of the lack of a sixdimensional(shadchakra)view of the entire creation.The individual mind sometimes understands itself as a mere speck or point ,at other times as a line or wave or a series of points ,in a line of descent which one calls a bloodline or family tree or vansavriksha.Beyond that ,the threedimensional view of truth is very rare ,not to mention the six dimensions.Therefore when a person like Einstein passes beyond the twodimensional awareness we are surprised at his genius.

According to the Brihadaaranyaka Upanishad,hunger is death.In the beginning the universe was encompassed by death/hunger/pralaya.Death wished.Let me have a mind.From that thought ,or will ,mind was born.The universal energy existing alone wanted to see,experience and enjoy itself,so that it assumed the shape of mind and the mind to enjoy the fruits of its activity assumed the shape of the body and in this way ,the seen matter was born out of the unseen energy.From what the astrophysics of the modern times say about energy and matter this explanation of the ancients is not different.
Narayana Upanishad gives a physical basis for mind.There is a swarat and a virat(individual and collective)consciousness.These exist in the ghatakasa and chidaakasa (within a pot and outside of it)but are continuous and the same.Sankara uses these terms often and so too Einstein when he says that the boxspace and the outer space are continuous and the same.This brings us to the ageold seen-unseen conflict.
Have you ever seen or experienced God?Have you ever seen or experienced Atma?Why should you believe in the unseen and unknown while you can be satisfied with the known and the seen,the physical body and the world .This is the vainaasika logic of India.Aham or self as different from the seen body /brain is only an imaginery unseen thing never experienced by anybody and hence one need not bother about its existence.But have a science student ever seen an atom or an electron with the naked eye.Still they learn a lot about it and still do believe in it because others with better equipped minds have said about its existence.In a conversation with another scientist ,when he asked how could you grasp the vibration of an inertial coordinate system Einstein replied:”It is merely a useful fiction and I have no idea how to realize it.If I could only get far away from all material bodies and free myself all external influences ,my coordinate system would then be inertial.”(Evolution of Physics).That was exactly what the Advaithin seeking Brahma or absolute reality have been saying for yugaas or kalpaas.Einstein said while delivering a lecture in Japan “I was sitting in a chair in a patent office at Berne when all of a sudden a thought occurred to me.If a person falls freely he will not feel his own weight.I was startled.This simple thought made a deep impression on me.It impelled me towards a theory of gravitation.It was apure intuition.While sir Frank Dyson ,the English astronomer was experimenting to prove the Einstein theory ,during the 1919 solar eclipse on May 29 ,Einstein wrote to his friends:”I do not doubt the correctness of the whole system(general theory of relativity)whether the observation of the solar eclipse fails or not.”
That is faith and conviction of one’s faith,with or without proof.This is so in all science subjects.Then why not in philosophy?Parabrahma according toSankara is absolute energy state without time ,space,movement or cause and is linked to an ocean having the symbol zero to represent it.But he asserts that the symbol zero does not mean nothingness but a state of having no dualities whatsoever and this is manifested as the mind of a sarvagna(all knowing person-a rishi)during samaadhi ,and when there is the slightest vibration in it as the form of a thought ,mind is born as a bindu and the symbol is zero with a dot in center,representing antharyamipurusha.In an ordinary human being who has not bothered to concentrate into a samadhi state ,or tried to concentrate and think upon a specific subject ,the Brahma still exists but in the form of a stormy ocean where there is no clarity of thought or of memory ,where everything is in a chaotic jumbled up existence so that there is no awareness of the unity of existence.This represents the samsaarijeevan.Modern psychiatrists are concerned with the problems of these samsaarijeeva alone.The mind and intellect of creative artists and scientists ,of yogis and rishis, are the concern of mystics and philosophers.The importance of ayurveda and other Indian systems lie in the fact that they had over the years evolved a system of yama and niyama to control the mind as a daily routine basis and to keep it calm and diseasefree.Unfortunately this system was considered as part of a religious tradition by the English educated postcolonial population of India and neglected.
Language is a way of communication.The subtle communication at physical level taking place from cell to cell also is a language ,or Vak and according to the ancients ,vak is agni or energy .At the subcellular level communication occurs as endocrine ,paracrine ,neuroendocrine and synaptic levels between two cells and as autocrine in the cell itself.The first four are communication between two cells and needs a cell outside of itself ,whereas the last ,the autocrine,communication is from a cell to itself and needs only a single cell.A cell can control itself and the neighbouring cells and the entire mandala or field or environment in which it is situated(the human body itself)by these communications.For the subtle communication ,gross word is not needed and the mind of a being is not situated only in its brain and nervous system but in the entire body and in continuation with the outer field in which it is situated.Simply because we cannot see this network with our gross eyes we do not negate the existence of the network of energy in the universe.
There are energy particles in our body called the mitochondria.When food is metabolized to carbon dioxide and water ,because of the metabolic energy ,H atoms in the water are liberated in the mitochondria.Some of these are converted to NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide)and others to FAD (flavine adenine dinucleotide).The electrons of the remaining H atoms pass through mitochondrial respiratory enzymes ,combine with protons,converted to hydrogen,to combine with oxygen and form water.The energy obtained from this transfer of electrons along a series of electron carriers is finally utilized to generate ATP from ADP and inorganic phosphate.There is a subtle space within the inner and outer coverings of the mitochondria where the enzymes and the protons are stored.Pumping of electron from the internal space to the outer space happens within the mitochondrium.According to the chemiosmotic theory of Mitchell this pumping is the first stage of the electron transfer.The proton gradient so formed represent the energy.The cells need this energy for communication.This process and the structure of the mitochondria in man and microbes are the same.That means the biological energy at the subtle level is the same in man and the tiniest creature.And it is the same as in the inorganic world of protons and electrons.We should also remember that the subtle energy which is free and universal in everything known as communication (vak)occur in the mitochondria and is therefore always feminine.
Chandogya says that mind is annamaya,praana is jhalamaya,vaak is thejomaya.Annam or food is Krishna or black and associated with earth.All things contain carbon,including CH,Fats,proteins constituting the physical body belong to this and it is not restricted to brain alone.Thejas in the world shines ,and is oorja(energy)both in the physical world and beyond belonging to vak and these two are reconvertable and recycling through the intermediary of praana or jhala.There is annam ,jhalam and agni in every object ,and the only difference is in the proportion of each which gives rise to different form and structure to each.This saying of Sankara is now proved by science.Only when annamayam ,the earth,and the jhaladevatha which is represented by the moon,joins with the agni(sun)and the praanaajhala in the atmosphere ,does creation occur.Only then does thought,sight,and hearing occur.Says the Acharya,which is very scientific.According to the principle of a light object rising above the heavy object ,he says that the subtlest annam in the physical world is manas or mind,the subtlest jhalum is vayu ,and the subtlest thejus is vak or communication.Just like protons and electrons emit from a burning star ,hot and pure words emit from a burning pure mind.The entire spacetime is filled with these electrons wave particles.The vak emitted from the minds of men and women of earth spread upwards since they are the subtlest and the lightest.
At this juncture we will just compare a few grosser terms which both sankara and the modern science think as arising from one another.
Jalam & jadaraagni
Digested food
Connective tissue&epithelium

When we look at the microscopic picture of the germ cells of the testis and ovary resemble more of the reticuloendothelial /lymphoid cells especially in case of germ cell tumours and one wonders who is right and who is wrong.Creation starts in the philosopher’s mind as energy or invisible absolute truth and ends with visible gross matter and body with its nervous system.The astronomer agrees with this.The sequence is somewhat like this:
Absolute truth ,invisible

Solar system

Light/sound waves
Subatomic particle(subtlest)
Subatomic particle(grosser)
Physical body with welldeveloped nervous system
Relative truth(visible)

Sun,the visible energy source of earth/planets
Seen/heard thanmaathra(quantum dynamics)
Paraparamaanu ,paramaanu

Sareera,with angopaanga and kundalini sakthy.

The subtle energy becomes grosser and grosser with each step.Now reverse the order of events ,we get the view of medical science starting from gross physical matter.The ancient medical texts however do not stop short at the bodymind level ,but explores the possibilities beyond that in a holistic approach.
Modern medicine considers the physical body and the brain as the seat and creator of the mind ,but the ancients and the astrophysicists know that it is the oorja that condenses to form the sookshma or subtle mind energy and this in turn condense to form the gross body and the brain and ultimately ,in essence there is nothing but oorja(energy).Matter or gross visible universe and body are nothing but invisible energy .Mind is the intermediary stage ,between the two states of energy.It is only in poorvamimamsa,among the six philosophical systems of India ,we find the question of the problem of dharma or ethics.In all others the question of truth and its manifestations are rationally explored through different windows.Of these vaisheshika is the ancient quantum dynamics and nyaaya the logical,rational scientific approach,jyothisha the classical and relativistic astrophysics,ayurveda the science of the body and its health,samkhya reduces the question of two different manifestations of the truth ,the visible and invisible energy,purusha and prakrithy.This duality is even reduced by the utharamimamsa,where the grand unification of energy into brahma is expounded.In its sheme of things there is nothing but energy.

Once we realize that the energy (Brahman)is within us as a chaaya or shadow seen in a mirror.Or the sun seen in a clear lake ,and our annamaya mind is active only when it joins agni from the sun and jhala from the atmosphere and when these three separate ,they enter their own state of energy itself ,we naturally wants to know our own nature or the brahmi state.
How can one see or experience that state ,if one is not a rishi or a person with exceptional concentrating powers?When is the mind free from all sensory objects and is almost like absolute energy ,or God?For an ordinary mortal who is not a rishi or yogy it is the state of sleep,and therefore the upanishadic rishi analyses that condition.

Consider the figure. Above.1 &2 are the two states of mind (jagrat and sleep states)as two mirrors reflecting Relative truths . When one sleeps the physical or annamaya mirror of mind is suddenly withdrawn.Then there will be no sensory stimulations or objects and the early state of energy alone remains.There are no names ,forms or colours of the waking(jagrat)state .During dreamsleep ,or the REM sleep there is a mixture of memories of the jagrat and those of the pure sushupthy state and could be predictive or signs and communications from a higher realm or our self.This paradevatha is called sadakhya by sankarabhashyam and says that without the sadakhya or light ray ,no external or internal eye can see or communicate anything.When modern psychology after Freud started dream analysis based on the dreams of patients with chaotic minds ,the ancient African and Indian tribes analysed the dreams of rishis and scholars with calm concentrated minds.Jung was able to lead dream analysis in this direction and he discovered the virat in every swarat as a collective memory of the past.He also noticed the dream discovery of the benzene ring by kekule.The astronomic synchronicity was studied in detail and Volf Gang Pauli and Penrose recognized the importance of a mathematical theorem being grasped in sleep visions.
Julian Robert Poppenheimer said:The general notions about human understanding ..which are illustrated by discoveries in atomic physics are not in the nature of things wholly unfamiliar,wholly unheard off or new.Even in our own culture they have a history and in Buddhist and Hindu thought a more considerable and central place .What we shall find is an exemplification ,an encouragement and a refinement of old wisdom.
In mysticism and the new physics Mitchell Talbot calles Thanthra ,an ancient quantum physics theory.Naada,Bindu and Naadabindu are vibrations ,wave and particle of the quantum astrophysics.The electrical lines of force or sakthy converges and concentrate upon a region of space ,crisscross,but also sink into the fabric of space ,like threads pulled through a funnel or drawn a bathtub drain.A classical geometrodynamical elective charge is a set of lines trapped in a prologuy of space..The thanthraspace permeated by lines of force(sakthy)is likened to the hairs of Shiva who has the spacetime as his hair(vyomakesa),an equivalent is kesava,for the vaishnavathanthra.

I have been studying the development of consciousness in the oldest and ancient cavemen ,the development of multiple intelligences in various spheres of activity including languageand literature,music,arts,sciences and philosophy in various countries and civilizations from time immemorial,To the most modern .I could not find any controversies between art and science ,intuition and rational thought ,ancient and modern.The human mind is the most beautiful and the most unique phenomenon which defy all explanations and yet experienced by one who contemplates on its potentialities ,which are infinite .It is able to grasp infinity ,because it is infinite in nature and that is probably the ultimate one can reach.There is a grand unification (mahaadvaitha)of the natural forces ,both in the ancient and the modern mind.I would like to summarise it thus:
Quantum (qed,qcd)
Step2:Electromagnetism.weak forces(1900)W,Z particles(rubbia)
Weinberg salam (1970)
Unification of EM and weak forces
Step3:planetary motion(saayana)+space+time+Weinberg salam +strong forces,theory of relativity
Step4:Bioenergy(jeeva),neurophysiology(vaayu,praana and jeeva of the 5 elements+theory of relativity (laws of the brahmaanda(universes)and the nirayana(inertia)+unification of natural forces

It is like this the great vedanthins established the unity of the jeevathma and paramathma.That is the science of their language is good as or even better than the modern English language in explaining the universe and the place of the human mind in it.Mind or the biological energy is equivalent to Brahma ,but experienced as such only by a selected few ,they argued.This is true ,since not every one of us can become an Einstein or Sankara.

Quantum ,relativity and neurophysiology ,A comparison:


Number 1+jagrat(awakened state)

1+…n= 1(successor)jeeva

By intuition,logic,mathematical induction and observation of the universe and its movable and immovable matter,biological behaviour ,dreams and symbols used by the most active and intelligent mind in the multiple spheres of activity ,can one reach the grand unification and the infinite possibilities of the human mind.One cannot boast of having fathomed the depths of the mind,merely by knowing one branch of science ,or one branch of art alone.In her book,Infinity and the mind,Rudy Rucker has tried to assess the infinite human mind ,the alef of the Hebrew,the alfa of the Greek,the leminiscate of the west and the ashtadalapadma of the east.To grasp infinity and the absolute ,a finite object is not suitable.Mind ,though unable to explain it fully ,is capable of grasping and experiencing it,which Sankara calls swaanubhoothy.He says one can try to explain it in rational and scientific logic but this viveka alone is not the experience ,that is unexplained and unutterable.Rudy Rucker also says that one can grasp infinity with two methods:the rational or scientific ,attempted by scientists all over the world,and the mystical and artistic,aesthetic ,attempted by artists,musicians,poets,philosophers,seers,spiritual people.One cannot say that one method is superior to the other categorically,unless one has the experience and proficiency in both methods.
I would like to end this note with a quotation from Rudy Rucker:”There are two distinct forms of consciousness,finite and infinite.As long as I identify with my body and my rational mind,I cannot conceive of my W°.But it is not hard to envision my W°.if I identify with the absolute.This does not lead to the usual type of theoretical regress because someone who has merged with the absolute is in a position to ‘ name’ each and every natural number at once”.
Being a mathematician she speaks of natural numbers.Being an Advaithin ,I would substitute each and every natural emotion and thought.That probably sums up the alpha and omega of all extrasensory perceptions(ESP)as well.

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